Thursday, January 24, 2008

Network Marketing Training or Is Your Company Training You?

What if your company went out of business today? What would you do? Have you done a good job of marketing you? Or a good job marketing your company?

Billion-dollar companies pay copywriters and consultants thousands and thousands of dollars on brand awareness. How much is your network marketing company paying you to spread their name out there in public? That's right nothing.

This is one way a lot of network marketing companies save money-distributors create the publicity. They know their distributors will spread the company's name for free while a traditional company pays thousands to millions of dollars to have it done.

Are you a nice guy or a naïve one? Don't forget that if you dare break any of the policies and procedures, your company can terminate your distributorship at will and take your check. But you did such a good job branding them. And they thank you for that by not giving you one red cent until you produce results.

Don't forget you're an entrepreneur, not an employee. So if you don't make the company money, you don't earn a check-no matter how much time, effort, and money you spent to brand your company.

Ask yourself this: are you here to increase your value to the marketplace or your company's value? If it took you longer than two seconds to answer that question, we need to talk. LOL

Ready for a change? Get this free report that will shed the light on you: Network Marketing Success

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