Have you been lying to yourself? If you're in network marketing and your struggling to make sense of it all, there could be a deeper reason why you're not having the success you want. You may already know the answer. You just don't want to admit it.
You see, when you step up to the plate to start a home business, you bring all kinds of garbage with you. I'm not talking about a hefty bag full of last week's trash; I'm talking about emotional garbage you've been carrying around since you were a little kid.
If you think you've completely gotten over your scarred childhood, you may be fooling yourself, but no one else. Do you tolerate abuse from: your children, your boss, your spouse, and your parents? If you didn't feel you deserved to be treated that way, you wouldn't tolerate it.
Now flash forward to today. You've been in network marketing for awhile without much success. No matter how hard you try or what you do, nothing seems to work out at all for you. It could just be that you're a terrible marketer or could be there's an underlying unresolved issue inside you.
You've probably even came across one of those "we'll mentor you to success", ads and tried it without success. You thought you were on your way and your "meal ticket" was paid for, only to find more failure again. It seems to you that nothing seems to work-not even "heavy-hitter" mentoring. So now you feel even worse. You feel even more hopeless than before and think that there's nothing out there that can help you.
What you may not know is that all the training in the world won't help you if you feel that you're not worthy of success or if you feel like a failure inside. Whatever you feel about yourself on the inside manifests itself in your life and in the actions you take or decide not to take. Your life as it stands right now is a reflection of your past thoughts. If you constantly have bad negative thoughts, that is what will show up in your life.
You need to work on developing yourself, your self worth. I'm sure you've heard the saying a million times that first you are successful in your head before you ever experience the tangibles that wealth bring.
Get right with yourself. If you get "mentoring" make sure it's more than just calling a bunch of leads with a script they provide you. Get real mentoring that can help you deal with the proper mindset for wealth creation. Sometimes it's really not the marketing, but you. Deal with the core issues and you'll not only see yourself have success in your business, but also in life as well.
I recommend you start here with Joe Schroeder's Chaos to Cash. You will never look at your business or your life the same way ever again. Always free training. Sample a little or sample a lot. 24hr rec. mssg. 1-800-772-9781 ext. 40
Network Marketing Training done right!
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